

Slovenija-transplant (ST), Slovenian national transplant institution, was established by Slovenian government after the first national transplantation law came into force in the year 2000. It connects all institutions and all aspects of the removal and transplantation of human body parts for the purpose of medical treatment: juridical, ethical, organizational, educational and scientific. ST is responsible for development, optimization and rationalization of all donation and transplant activities. ST is a member of Eurotransplant International Foundation from year 2000.

ST is located in the University Medical centre Ljubljana (UMC), the only national transplant centre. Some 100 members of medical staff are working part time for ST as central transplant coordinators, mobile diagnostic teams for brain death diagnostics and mobile surgical teams for explantations. Central coordination office is located in ST and two central transplant coordinators and a mentor are available 24/7.

ST’s main tasks are defined by law are as follows:

  • Organization, coordination, implementation and evaluation of Slovenian national programme for transplantation of organs, tissues and cells.
  • Establishment of legislation in the field of transplantation medicine including corresponding implementing regulations assuring transparency, traceability and abuse prevention, in particular  trading with organs, tissues and cells.
  • Development of medical knowledge and medical procedures in the field of transplantation medicine, achieving excellent results on European and global level.
  •  Education of medical staff included in transplantation activities, education of other medical staff and  general public.
  • Promotion of donation, emphasizing the importance of donation in Slovenia and internationally.
  • Leading programme on the communication with families of potential donors.
  • Development, upgrading and maintenance of national information system for organs, tissues and cells.
  • Implementing of EU directives on quality and safety of organs, tissues and cells.

Slovenija-transplant is a main national coordination office for organ donation processes and international organ exchange , mainly within the Eurotransplant region.