

Polish Transplant Coordinating Centre “Poltransplant” is a budget funded unit of Polish Ministry of Health founded on 14th of June’ 1996 by the Decree of Minister of Health. Poltransplant activities are nationwide. Poltransplant is under the authority and supervision of Polish Ministry of Health.

Poltransplant tasks according to the Transplantation Act of 2005 are:

  • coordination of procurement and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs that take place within Polish borders;
  • management of Central Register of Objections to procurement of cells, tissues and organs;
  • management of National Waiting List;
  • keeping the Register of Transplantations;
  • keeping the Register of Living Donors;
  • management of Polish Central Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Donor Registry;
  • co-ordination of quests after non-related donors of bone marrow and cord blood with a preliminary search in the Register of Bone Marrow and Cord Blood;
  • conducting education of the society with the aim of spreading the awareness and acceptance for the method of treatment by transplantation.
  • co-operation with other domestic and foreign entities in the field of cell, tissue and organ exchange for transplantations;

Poltransplant is directed by the Director of Poltransplant who is nominated by the Minister of Health. Minister of Health nominates the director after the consultation with the National Transplantation Board.

Prof. Roman Danielewicz MD, PhD is currently the Director of Poltransplant.

Organizational structure and a detailed range of tasks of Poltransplant are determined in its statute.

Poltransplant address is:

Polish Transplant Coordinating Center "Poltransplant"
Phone: (+48 ) 22 621 22 40; (+48) 22 621 49 50
Secretariat: phone (+48) 22 622 58 06, fax (+48) 22 622 32 43
e-mail: transpl@poltransplant.org.pl ; sekretariat@poltransplant.pl
Coordinator: tel. (+48) 22 622 88 78, fax (+48) 22 627 07 49
e-mail: koordynator@poltransplant.pl