The Czech Transplantations Coordinating Center (KST) is an organizational unit of the state, established by the Czech Ministry of Health on the basis of the Transplantation Act (No. 285/2002 Coll., as amended). KST works within direct jurisdiction of the Ministry in the field of arrangement and intermediation of transplantations, being assigned particularly several basic tasks:
- Management of specialized transplant registers
- Coordination of procurement and transplantations
- Information activity with regards to transplantations and statistics
- International cooperation in transplantationsation projects
KST has been substantially focussed on quality from the very beginning of its existence. KST has gained an international certificate of quality management (ISO 9001) and an international certificate of information security management (ISO 27001) international standard. Gaining these two prestigious international certificates KST has manifested not only the meeting of the highest demands of quality and data protection in its work but also its capability to assist in application of these quality systems in other medical facilities.