

The Lithuanian National Bureau on Transplantation (NTB) was established in 1996. In accordance with his power NTB coordinates, controls and analyzes the preparation of donors, tissue, cells and organ procurement, testing, preservation, storage, transportation, distribution and selection of the recipients. NTB forms a positive public attitude about organ donation and transplantation, too. In order to disseminate information to the public, NTB collaborates with patient‘s organizations.

In the year of 2000 NTB established the national Register of Donors and Recipients for Human Organs, Tissues and Cells. This register is used for maintaining records of people who have stated acceptance or refusal to donate their organs and/or tissues after their death. The register is also used to maintain the database of recipients, potential and effective donors. A special personal Donor Card is also created, to be carried by people as reference to their listing in the register.

In the year of 2002 on the initiative of NTB was created a Balttransplant association, linking transplant coordination centres in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In 2009 Lithuania joined EOEO (European organ exchange organization). In 2010 The Bureau has signed a cooperation agreement with an international fund „Eurotransplant“. In the same year Bureau joined COORENOR (coordinating a European initiative among national organizations for organ transplantation) project. Furthermore, The National Bureau on Transplantation takes part in MODE (mutual organ donation and transplantation exchanges) project. With other partners NTB participates in ETPOD (European training program on organ donation) program, too.

According to statistics provided in Bureau website ( in 2011 in Lithuania there were 12,2 efective donors for one million people (2010 – 10,9, 2009 – 14,7). In 2011 total 139 organ transplantations were made. Currently there are 563 recipients on the waiting list for different organ transplants.
Tel./Fax. + 370 5 279 60 96 or  + 370 5 279 66 91
Coordinator  tel. +370 686 12 461 (on duty all day)