Phases and Project organisation
The organisation of ACCORD requires a combination of working methods distributed among two types of Work Packages (WPs), horizontal and core WPs. Each one of the WPs will be coordinated by one of the Associated Partners.
The main objective of the WPs is described below:
Horizontal WPs:
- Coordination of the project: To manage the project and make sure that it is implemented as planned. (WP leader: ONT, Spain)
- Dissemination of the project: To ensure that the results and deliverables of the project will be made available. (WP Leader: ISS-CNT, Italy)
- Evaluation of the project: To verify whether the project is being implemented as planned and reaches its objectives. (WP Leader: ONT, Spain)
Core Work Packages:
- Living Donor Registries: To provide recommendations on the implementation of live donor registries and to set down a model for supranational data sharing. (WP Leader: DTF, the Netherlands)
- Intensive Care Units (ICUs) and Donor Transplant Coordinators (DTCs) Collaboration: To analyse end‐of‐life practices across Europe and their impact on organ donation and to provide a rapid improvement methodology for strengthening cooperation between ICUs and DTCs. (WP Leader: NHSBT, United Kingdom)
- Twinning in Organ Donation and Transplantation: To implement specific collaboration initiatives between EU countries in the area of organ donation and transplantation according to national priority actions and to develop guidelines for future twinnings in this field. (WP Leader: ABM, France)